Please be in prayer for the following:
Our love & prayers go out to the Wheeler family on the loss of Grace.
Garland & Barbara Beeks Barbara Ann Campbell Angela Cantrell Jennifer Grubbs Cynthia Hancock Aymee Harper Rehab progress Leslee Hoggatt Jeff Intres Recovery from liver transplant Walter McClure Stella Medina Jim Persinger |
Anna Rome Heart problems
Cathy Wolters Katya Wolters YWAM Harpenden Jaclyn Yowell Those with cancer: Jerl, Conner, Aymee Serving in the military: Nicholas Bryan, Blake Demoret, & Toni Melton Reserves: Brian Flores, Zach Lewis, Mariah Reynolds EFM Workers and other workers in sensitive areas around the world The nation of Israel Our president, leaders, and nation Our pastor, church leaders, and their families Our schools |